Hair Care

Is Keratin Treatment Good or Bad For Curly Hair?

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“What has an advantage, also has a disadvantage”– that’s just the summary of the whole topic. But is that enough to address the keratin treatment on curly hair issues? No.

So is keratin treatment good or bad for curly hair?

A well-conducted keratin treatment is good for curly hair. Apart from being a great way to make curly hair manageable, keratin treatment helps keep hair healthy, smooth, strong, shiny, and frizz-free. But it turns bad when the process is done wrongly.

In this post, I will discuss the good and bad side of this treatment, how long it lasts, how to maintain, and many more.

I believe you should know what you are about to consider, the result, and everything else.

Let’s proceed.

What Is Keratin Treatment and Cost?

Keratin treatment is a chemical semi-permanent hair straightening treatment that smooths and shines frizzy, curly, or wavy hair.

During this treatment, keratin protein is artificially added to the hair to seal the hair cuticles giving it a shiny, straight, smooth, and healthy appearance.

Contrary to the benefits derived, the treatment price is relatively high.

Depending on location, the price can range between $100-$500. And aside from that, you still have to sit down in the salon for at least 1 hour 30 minutes before everything is completed.

Mainly looking at the processing, time, and fee, you would be pushed to ask questions like: Is it worth the money and time?

Well, the benefits you are aiming for are what will enable you to answer that question.

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Keratin Treatment on Curly Hair

Maintaining and managing hair curls patterns can be stressful and time-consuming.

Even though a lot of people still find it fun and interesting to do, some still don’t have time for that, so they will always want to try anything possible to care for their hair (in not more than 10 minutes).

And Guess what; keratin treatment is a dream come true for such ladies and gents with curly hair.

It has made things much more comfortable for these curly hair ladies.

And If you’re struggling to make your curl pattern standout with the CG method, this treatment will carry all your struggles away.

Mind you, what has an advantage also has a disadvantage. Now let’s see the good and bad sides of keratin treatment.

The Good Sides

  • First and foremost, keratin treatment on curly hair saves time and money. “The fact that I can style my hair in five minutes flat has seriously changed my morning routine. It makes hair mashable.”- says Ruby Buddemeyer, beauty editor at Cosmopolitan.
  • Another good side of keratin treatment for curly hair is that it makes hair strong, shiny, healthy, and manageable.
  • Also, a keratin treatment is also a great solution to excessively dry curly hair and also reduce how long your hair takes to dry after wash.

The Bad Side

Some types of keratin treatments can make you will lose your curls pattern permanently depending on how aggressive it was handle (strength of therapy).

If you choose the less aggressive type of keratin straightening treatment, getting your curls back won’t take that long.

General Downsides

  • Cost: Run run run is the price tag, it’s pretty expensive. The price in a salon can range anywhere around $200-$500 (depending on hair length, location, and other factors best known by the stylist).
  • Heat damage: Whether curly or frizzy, this should be one of the greatest concerns for keratin treatment. Wrong use of flat iron during the application process can cause hair damage. And the bad news is- the damage can be irreversible.
  • Health Risk: It is confirmed that some keratin products contain ingredients that emit formaldehyde when heated, which is not good for human health.

However, In the past, hair straightening products were full of harsh chemicals, but recent advancements in the cosmetic industry reduced the percentage of these chemicals.

But that doesn’t mean that it is 100% risk-free. Some possible risks of keratin treatment include allergic reaction. So you should get more briefing from your stylist before and after treatment.

Aside from the health matters and price tag, there is nothing else you should be so afraid of.

NB: For safety purposes, Experts will advise you do keratin treatment not more than three times a year.

Keratin Treated Hair Care Maintenance Tips

You don’t just get the treatments and disappear. You will have to care for it in a way that will make the treatment last longer.

Just follow the new routine given to you by your stylist and make sure you visit the stylist once in a while.

  • To keep your hair looking and feeling healthy after treatment, avoid products that contain chlorine, saltwater, sodium, and sulfate.
  • Tell your stylist for product recommendations because he or she is in the best position to tell you what is going to work. The tips she will give you depends on how your hair responds to the treatment.
  • Avoid clarifying shampoos that can strip off hair oil and the keratin.- Some will advise you to use it if you want your curls back quickly. Although this shampoo is not too good for your curly hair.

But if you want your curls back, make sure you calm down and wait till the whole treatment fades off. You can as well check back on your hairstylist for a quick solution if you want the treatment out.

How Long Does Keratin Treatment Last On Hair?

Keratin treatment is one of the long-lasting semi-permanent hair straightening treatments at the market, and each treatment lasts for 3-6 months, depending on your regular hair care routine.

Also, if you are wondering what your curly hair will look like after keratin treatment, here’s perfect before and after picture of keratin treatment on curly hair.

Keratin Treatment Before and After

Take Away

If you finally decide to go for a keratin treatment, ensure that the type of treatment you choose is very safe.

Endeavor to contact the salon before the appointment date to confirm if their keratin treatment technique will be good for your curly hair type.

Finally, remember to ask the stylist for your new haircare rules so that you can fit it into your routine as quickly as possible.

Now I would love to hear from you;

What do you think about keratin treatment for curly hair? Is it worth the hype and praises

Or maybe you have done this treatment and want to share your experience with us.

Either way, do let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below right now, and don’t forget to share.



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I am Stanley. A Unisex Hairstylist, Writer, and book lover. After 12 months of the apprenticeship program as a stylist, I started working with my boss for an extra one year. This time frame made me accumulate knowledge and experience in the hair industry, of which I will love to share with friends all over the world through my blog.

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