Hair Coloring

Can You Dye Your Hair While Pregnant?

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Coloring your hair is a pretty bold move, and to be considering it while you’re pregnant must also mean you’re very bold. However, boldness isn’t the only quality to consider when getting a hairstyle during your pregnancy term; you must also factor in the feasibility and safety of that hairstyle.

So can you dye your hair while pregnant? Studies have shown that the dose of chemicals in hair dye is not enough to cause harm to the human body. So you can dye your hair while pregnant. However, some women’s hair texture changes when they are pregnant.  

Anecdotal evidence from moms who applied hair color while pregnant overwhelmingly shows that the practice is relatively safe for them and their babies if they’re not allergic to hair dye. While this proves the safety of dying your hair while pregnant, it doesn’t do enough to show its feasibility.

In this guide, we’ll show you all you need to know before dying your hair during pregnancy.

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What Happens If I Dye My Hair While Pregnant?

The color of your hair changes. Seriously, there’s currently no known safety risks to dying your hir during pregnancy. While pregnancy may come with some hormonal changes that may lead to a change in your hair’s texture, dying your hair shouldn’t pose any safety risks to you or your child.

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Is It Safe For Me To Dye My Hair While Pregnant?

Unless the product you’re using specifically asks you to abstain from it when you’re pregnant, there are no safety risks to dying your hair while pregnant. The chemicals in synthetic hair dyes don’t magically become more potent because you’re carrying a baby, and they also can’t penetrate deep enough to cause any harm to your baby.

While you can find a few studies here and there that vaguely link dying your hair during pregnancy to some kind of risk, most studies tend to dispel that myth. Generally, you should be able to dye your hair safely while pregnant, without any risk to your unborn baby.

How Many Times Can I Dye My Hair While Pregnant?

Overusing hair dye has general consequences: from split ends to hair thinning and hair loss. However, none of these effects are a direct or indirect result of pregnancy; they’ll happen whether you’re pregnant or not.

A six-week interval between your dying cycles should prevent most of the negative reactions that may arise from dying your hair. However, you must note that this advice doesn’t only apply to pregnant women; it applies to anyone that uses hair dye!

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Does Hair Dye Work for Pregnant Women?

Now that we’ve established the safety of dying your hair while you’re pregnant, it’s high time to evaluate the feasibility of the practice. For most people, dyes should work just fine on their hair, regardless of whether they’re pregnant or not.

However, certain women experience a change in their hair’s texture when they’re pregnant, and that texture change may make the hair less receptive to dye. If you happen to fall in this category, you may want to hold off of using hair dyes while pregnant, not because it’s unsafe, but because it won’t work as well as you’d expect.

However, you should note that this texture change doesn’t happen with all women, so it shouldn’t discourage you if you aren’t already noticing texture changes in your hair.

Tips To Stay Safe When You Dye Your Hair While Pregnant

Whether pregnant or not, we all have to play safe and abide by the rules of hair dyes. Just remember, safety comes first.

  • Rinse your hair thoroughly with water and shampoo.
  • Never change the brand of dye you were using before you got pregnant (Since it wasn’t reacting negatively with your hair when you were not pregnant, I still believe it won’t react when you are pregnant).
  • Let the hair dye sit on your hair as per instruction. Also, check out if there are separate rules for pregnant women.
  • Make sure your wear gloves from stage one to the end to avoid staining your fingers.
  • You are also advised to dye your hair after the first trimester. (Just caution).
  • Apply hair dye in a ventilated room. Some dye can smell bad, cause irritation and respiratory problem.

What To Do If Anything Negative Comes Up

If you feel dizzy or sickly after using hair dye during pregnancy, you may be allergic to the dye itself. Try rinsing your hair thoroughly and resting a bit to see if the symptoms subside. If they don’t, you may want to see your doctor as soon as possible.

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I am Stanley. A Unisex Hairstylist, Writer, and book lover. After 12 months of the apprenticeship program as a stylist, I started working with my boss for an extra one year. This time frame made me accumulate knowledge and experience in the hair industry, of which I will love to share with friends all over the world through my blog.

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