Hair Care

5 Hair Care Mistakes That’ll Ruin Your Thin Hair

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In today’s post, I’ll be discussing the five biggest everyday hair care mistakes that’ll ruin your thin hair.

Haircare may appear deceptively simple, but it’s very complicated. While specific hair care tips work well for people with regular hair, they may be destroying your superfine hair.

You may have already started to notice that your hair exhibits behaviors that are less than ideal. If you have fine hair, and you’re following all the hair care tips you see online, this is not normal. Matter of fact, not all hair care tips on the internet are for you.

It can be quite tasking to tell which one is right and which is wrong for you. In this article, you’ll learn some of the biggest hair care mistakes that are ruining and will continue to ruin your thin hair if you don’t stop immediately.


Does Thin Hair Look Better Short or Long?

There is a clear difference between ruining your hair and making it look worse. While the bulk of this article will talk about practices that ruin your hair, leaving your hair to grow long or cutting it short won’t make or break your hair.

If you’re like anyone else with thin hair, you must have wondered if it’s better to leave your hair short or long. Frankly, we’ve wondered ourselves, and there seems to be no clear and objective answer over the years.

Long and fine hair can look gorgeous when it’s styled properly, and cutting your thin hair short never looks out of place. Most times, it all boils down to the personal preference of you, the subject in question.

If you ask around, you may get more recommendations to cut your hair short. Before pulling out a pair of scissors, it’s important to note that what works for someone else mightn’t work for you, and it’s probably better to try determining if cutting your hair short will work for you.

As long as you can take your time to style your hair properly, it doesn’t matter if you cut it short or make it long. However, it helps to abstain from all of the hair mistakes that will ruin your thin hair, all outlined below.


Hair Care Mistakes That’ll Ruin Your Thin Hair

It doesn’t matter if you decide to leave your hair short or long, some mistakes can ruin thin hair universally. Before blaming your hair for being such a weakling for falling off, you should check to confirm if you’re not making these mistakes.

Here are some of the trusted hair mistakes you should stay away from to avoid ruining your thin hair. These tips mostly apply to ladies with thin hair, but others can also read and learn. Here you go.

1. Brushing your hair wet

It’s already common knowledge that your hair is weakest when it’s wet. From that alone, most hairstylists don’t recommend brushing your hair wet at all. But it’s also crucial to understand that fine hair is weaker than most other kinds of hair.

Imagine having hair that’s naturally very prone to breakage and falls, and practicing a hair care procedure that makes your hair even more vulnerable. You can already guess the devastating results that can result from brushing your hair wet.

Even if your hair isn’t superfine by general standards, you should probably avoid brushing it when it’s wet. Unless you’re cool with having breakages, you should probably wait until your hair is relatively dry. Then, you detangle and brush with a wide-toothed comb to prevent the occurrence of breakages.

2. Using excessive hair care products

Too much of everything is bad, including things we perceive as good. One of the practices that can be very damaging to your hair when overdone is using hair care products. Since fine hair is naturally less resilient to these kinds of damages, overuse of products on your hair will ultimately ruin it in no time.

While some obvious signs will alert you when you’re using too many products, you shouldn’t wait for them to happen. Growing back your hair after damaging it from extensive use of hair products mightn’t be as easy as you previously thought.             

If you notice breakage that’s out of the ordinary, that’s a clear sign that you should cut down on your use of products. While you need some hair products to keep your hair looking healthy and moisturized, using more than you need will weaken your hair, breaking it off as you comb.

3. Infrequent trims

Everyone wants their hair to grow as long as possible to have access to all kinds of hairstyles possible. However, you’ll be doing a great disservice to your fine hair if you insist on leaving it to grow too long before getting a trim.

If you have fine hair, the longest you can typically grow your hair is shoulder length. Anything longer than this will put too much pressure on your scalp, and the hair on the scalp isn’t strong enough to hold on with that pull.

Since there isn’t a single kind of thin hair, you also have some flexibility as to how long you can grow your hair. If you’d like to grow your hair below your shoulders, you can schedule an appointment with your hairstylist to discuss how long you can grow your hair without ruining it.

4. Using the wrong pillow

Your pillowcase may be having worse effects on your thin hair than leaving it to grow too long. While you might have heard this hair care tip once before, you need to pay extra attention to it if you have vulnerable thin hair.

If you’re wondering what kinds of pillows are wrong, you’re probably sleeping on one. If your pillow has a cotton pillowcase, you risk a wide range of damage to your hair.

Some of the ways a cotton pillow may be ruining your hair are by creating knots and frizz. Due to the friction between your pillowcase and your hair, you’ll be getting unwanted knots that will turn into breakages when next you’re combing your hair.

Fortunately, the solution to this is pretty uncomplicated. Choosing hair-friendly fabrics like satin and silk will retain moisture in your hair, effectively preventing frizz, breakage, knots, and most other kinds of hair damage.

5. Overwashing your hair

The optimum frequency for washing your hair has always been an issue of debate. Instinctively, you may have the urge to wash your hair every morning when taking a shower. If you have fine hair, you may want to avoid doing that altogether.

There are many ways to know if you’re washing your hair way too frequently. If you notice that your hair has become harder to brush, it’s almost always due to excessive washing. This is usually caused by extreme dryness, which eventually leads to hair breakage.

Overwashing your hair can also increase frizz since you’re essentially removing the oils that make your hair look healthy and frizz-free. Removing these oils will also make your hair look dull and lackluster for obvious reasons.

If you have thin hair, try limiting washes to a few times a week. Washing it every other day shouldn’t pose any significant problems unless you’re using too many products, which poses a separate problem in the first place.


How Can I Protect My Thin Hair

While it’s helpful to know some of the hair care mistakes that’ll ruin your hair, they aren’t very actionable tips.

It’s arguably more important to learn about some hair care tips to help protect your thin hair from damage and make it look as full and healthy as thicker hair.

A good way to start caring for your thin hair is by trying not to shampoo too often. If you have thin hair, you should only shampoo every other day at most. Two or three times a week is a safer option, and it’s recommended for most people.

You should also limit heat exposure to your hair from styling tools and blow dryers. Air drying your air for about 80% of the way will also help in achieving this goal, keeping the roots of your hair a lot stronger.

You should also learn the correct way to brush thin hair to avoid breakage. Seeing some strands of hair fall out doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong; there’s no way to prevent hair fall anyway. However, you should ensure you aren’t pulling at knots while brushing your hair.

Lastly, getting a silk or satin pillow helps well with thin hair. While you might have seen that earlier, reemphasizing it here is worth the effort. The only worse way to cause knots and breakages than using a cotton pillow is by scrubbing wet hair with a towel.



Thin hair requires different care procedures than regular hair, and if you didn’t know that before now, you’re probably making many mistakes that you assume to be healthy hair care tips for your hair.

In this post, I’ve debunked some of the so-called hair care tips that may be ruining your thin hair. This post will also show you some useful ways to protect your thin hair after avoiding all the mistakes you’ve been making.

I hope you enjoy and find this post on hair care mistakes that’ll ruin your thin hair helpful?

And if you got questions or feedback, do not hesitate to let me know by leaving a comment below right now.

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Mistakes That'll Ruin Your Thin Hair

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Esther Godswill

Hi, Esther Here! Graduate, Full-Time Hairstylist, and Business Woman. I am also addicted to cute Outfits. I am here to guide and provide you with helpful and well-researched pieces of information you need to achieve your hair goals.

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  1. I do wash my hair every day because if I don’t it looks thinner. What are tips for the in between shampoo days?

  2. I have thinning hair which in turn has caused it to become very greasy just the day after washing. I’m assuming the greasiness is because of less hair, hence no where for the oil/grease to go. Went to a dermatologist and they sent off a sample of my scalp to check for underlying causes. Waiting to here back from them. Dry shampoo doesn’t work. I wash it every other day. Please help m. I’m researched until I’m blue in the face. The oil is driving me crazy. Even more so than the thinning. What product would help with the greasiness? Until I can pinpoint the cause of my thinning.

    1. Hi Donna, Hope you’re doing great. I’ll advice you wait until the cause in pin-pointed, and they’re in the best position to the tell you what you need afterwards.

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