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7 Key Reasons Ladies Quit The Curly Girl Method

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First, let’s talk about the key reasons why ladies quit the curly girl method so quickly.

A few days ago, I stumbled upon a blog post written by a lady in 2013 explaining why she quit the curly method.

I find the post very interesting, decided to do further research and discovered that she wasn’t alone in Quitting.

People have been quitting long before and after her for one reason or the other.

The most interesting one is the lady that called the curly girl method a quit after 10 good years.

If this is something you would love to read, then make sure you stick around till the end because you’re going to love this.


Key Reasons Ladies Quit the Curly Girl Method

Before I proceed, I want to remind you that this post is never intended to discourage you; I believe you can do it. The mind-blowing curls you desire is achievable; all you need is time and patience.

Whenever you feel like quitting and want something to encourage you, go through this Curly girl before and after Result and feel inspired again.

So here are the reasons why ladies quit the curly girl method after few weeks.


1. Freedom to Test Out Some Haircare Products Outside CGM

In the first video I watched, the Lady said she quit because she wasn’t comfortable with product rules(especially the paraben and alcohol in ingredient rules).

She wanted to do a hair care product experiment outside the rules.

She believed some of the marketing claims that certain ingredients might be bad for you are based on the consumer reaction and not scientific-based evidence.

Furthermore, she said, “I decided that I was no longer going to follow the curly girl method because I didn’t want to perpetuate the myth that certain ingredients are bad for my curls.”

“Actually, you can’t just buy a product and expect it to work for you, you still have to experiment and that’s what I encourage you to do and that’s how you figure out what’s going to work for you.”

“I have already started to experiment with using Sulphate and Silicones more often and so far I have had really good results”.

On a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this lady’s idealogy?


2. The Hair Care Process is Time Consuming

Styling natural curly is time-consuming; now think about how long it would take when you integrate the CGM into your hair care routine- that’s a whole lot of time, especially on wash days.

And in a scenario where you believe that your styling routine does not need any heat styling tool, then you will be spending more than an hour so your hair can air-dry naturally after applying your products.

But in all these conditions and distress, people are still into the curly girl method because it’s easier on some hair type, and the overall results are worth the effort and time.

Do you want something easy? Do well to check out my post on a simple and easy curly hair care routine that you can copy today and my post on hair plopping mistakes that’ll ruin your curls.

Now, on a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this reason?


3. Frequent Products Build Ups 

Some ladies, especially people with low porosity, do have problems with build-ups and with the CGM.

And this is not something you can easily avoid, no matter how creative you’re with applying and distributing products on your hair.

Moreover, Some CG Method promotes co-washing and cleansing conditioner more than shampoo, which may not be the best thing for low porosity hair.

If you still want to do it the other way round, you’re not allowed to use some shampoos, e.g., clarifying shampoo.

In case you’re having issues picking the best shampoo for your CGM routine, I have compiled a list of some cheap curly girl method friendly shampoos you might love.

Now, on a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this reason?


4. Doesn’t Work Well On Some Natural Hair Pattern

I shouldn’t tell you that the curly girl method works greatly on curly-haired girls compared to wavy or straight-haired ladies because you already know.

In some case, when you compare your results with that of the lady who is inspiring you to continue to trust the curly girl process, you become tired of the whole thing.

The moral lesson here is don’t compare your hair achievement/results with someone else, even if they’re using the exact method and similar products, because your hair might not be the same.

Now, on a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this reason?

In addition, I recommend you check this post on 9 habits of women who grow long natural hair– This post will help you adjust towards the way you care for your hair.


5. Too Many Restrictive Rules

If you’re practising the CGM for some time now, you should already know the rules. It doesn’t just end at No Sulphate, No Silicone, No Alcohol, No Paraben.

There are more do’s and don’ts that you might end up feeling guilty about or possibly end up ruining your curls if you fail to comply with.  (Now remember there’s a lady fighting and going against some of these rules to prove that they’re void)

“In my opinion, the Curly Girl Method was too restrictive and no longer met the needs of my hair. I was tired of feeling guilty for “breaking” CG rules.  I made a choice to start using heat again and I am much happier with the way my hair looks now.”–  Kelly, the brain behind RasingDawson.

Now, on a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this reason?

Recommended: 11 Good Hair Care Habits You Must Adopt if You Want to Grow Healthy Hair


6. Finding the Right Products for Some Hair  Type Is Relatively Difficult

I know you want to spit out the frustration you’re facing purchasing and testing different products on your hair.

Believe me; the experiment stage/process is hard, expensive and heartbreaking when you aren’t achieving your desired result.

Only people who had this experience can relate to what I am saying right now. The expenses alone can throw you off balance and force you to quit.

Now, on a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this reason?


7. Doesn’t Align Well with Hair Color

Remember the lady that quit the curly girl method after 10 years? What you just read above is her reason.

Here’s what she said;

Quit Culry Girl Method Reddit

Her comment on Reddit reminded me of a  video a lady shared on Youtube complaining how products she does use on her curly hair were no longer working after she colour-treated her hair.

The whole experience made her seek other hair products that would work on her coloured hair. I am sure it wasn’t easy for her.

Now, on a scale of 1-100, do you agree, strongly agree or disagree with this reason?

In addition, If you do battle with itching scalp after colouring your hair, you need to read this post to find out the possible reasons.

Let’s call it a day here; I know these are not all the reasons ladies quit the CGM; I will be updating this post as time goes on.

But for now, this is all for my post on why ladies quit the curly girl method.


Tips That’ll Help You Not to Quit The Curly Girl Method

Here are some helpful tips that would help when you feel the curly girl method is not working.

  • When you’re switching products or changing your routine, take one step at a time so you can easily keep track of what’s working and what’s not.
  • Break some rules if possible, and don’t feel guilty because that’s the only way to find out what would work for you.
  • The results don’t come overnight or at once. It takes time, and the longer you the curly girl method, the healthier and better your curls would be and the better you will get at styling them.

Was this article interesting and helpful?

Or maybe you have other personal reasons that made you quit but not mentioned here; please let me know by leaving a  comment below right now, and believe me, your feedback is highly welcome.

Also, please do not forget to share with friends on your favourite social media.

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I Quit the Curly Method after 10 Years

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I am Stanley. A Unisex Hairstylist, Writer, and book lover. After 12 months of the apprenticeship program as a stylist, I started working with my boss for an extra one year. This time frame made me accumulate knowledge and experience in the hair industry, of which I will love to share with friends all over the world through my blog.

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